
From the moment they left their accommodation, their conversation had mooted. She looked over to him, and was met with a vacuous expression. Distracted by rabid females, he quickly forgot about her, as he was rapt in a battle of certain discomfort.

His skin was being teased by his new admirer’s touch. She was attracted to his unfit panting and premature sweat. He’d neglected to shower that morning, deeming it gratuitous before a brief hike. And yet she seemed drawn to his odour as though it were a beacon. She brushed past and gently touched his brow so delicately he could barely feel her caress. Salivating, she took a firm hold, exposing her labella. Before he could intervene, he was penetrated with her labium, sucking around his enlarged blood vessels. As he writhed under her diminutive weight she moved in unison, using her labrum to suck vehemently as to cause his blood vessels to collapse in the frenzy.

As quickly as the exchange had begun, the strumpet left him like a succubus nightmare. Inflamed, confused and irritated he looked over at her. She swatted and twitched like a mare, still flailing at the continued presence of mosquitoes which seemed to materialise from nowhere.

This was written in Kilpisjärvi, Finland, on our residency at ArsBioarctica in 2017.

Tobias Feltus: