In compliance with GDPR and future privacy legislation, I state that I do not, in any way, collect any personal data from anyone who visits this website (or any site that I manage). Personally, I have absolutely no interest in doing so, and no knowledge of how to do so. If a third-party plugin on my site does collect personal data, I may not be aware of this. I did previously have Google Analytics running, and have disabled it for compliance and lack of interest on my part.
If you take the time to have a quick look at my site, you will see that I am not a business. I have nothing to sell. I have no reason to want to be on the first page of Google. I do not appreciate unsolicited spam and scam emails about services to improve my business. I will always report them (even though I have no idea if this actually does anything).
Copyright Notice for
Copying and Use of Material or Work:
All copyright is owned by Tobias Feltus and-in some cases-his associates.
All material, work , images, web pages and other literature are
Copying or using any of these materials in whole or in part without
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Please therefore:
Only use the material provided for the purpose specified, given such a circumstance – i.e. promotional images.
Do not copy any material provided – ask us for further
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You are not, in any circumstance, permitted to sell or distribute anything from Feltusfecit or Tobias Feltus
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NOTE: ‘us’ and ‘our’, when used above, refer to Tobias Feltus and/or Joseph Feltus.
This website and its contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Tobias Feltus © 1997-2023.